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Research organisations

Organisation Home country CAD related activities Further reading
CEA FR The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) performs research, development and innovation in several area’s amongst which is sensor fusion  Link
CERTH/HIT GR CERTH performs scientific and technological research in several areas including Transportation & Sustainable Mobility. Link
CIDAUT SP Foundation for Transport and Energy Research and Development mobility department has been working for the last ten years on new mobility solutions, mainly connected electric vehicles, paying special attention to integral safety including interaction with vulnerable road users Link
DAVI NL The Dutch Automated Vehicle Initiative (DAVI) develops high automated vehicles for research and demonstrations on public roads. The research tries to prove the safety and focusses on human factors in automated driving. DAVI implements automation technology in real cars that can be driven on existing roads in normal traffic. Link
DLR GE The Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at DLR develops a wide array of robots to enable humans to interact more safely and efficiently with their surrounding environments. Autonomous driving is an essential research field in projects. Instead of adapting a conventional vehicle, hardware has been built from the scratch for autonomous driving. Additionally, in contrast to active lidar or radar, mostly used for the environmental perception, in the ROboMObil’s project, environment perception sensors are cameras





ECTRI EU The European Conference of Transport Research Institutes is an international non‐profit association that was officially founded in April 2003. It is the first attempt to unite the forces of the foremost multimodal transport research centres across Europe and to thereby promote the excellence of European transport research Link

The Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) is a technological centre that studies the behaviour of the human body and its interaction with products, environments and services.

IBV develops projects with private companies (TIER 1 and TIER2) in the sector of automobile in the field of human factors and ergonomics, focusing in the last years, in the development of driver monitoring systems and in the design of vehicle interiors that include functions of autonomous vehicle

IFSTTAR FR IFSTTAR (French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks) is a player in the European research on the city and the territories, transportation and civil engineering Link
ika   The Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen University works on several aspects related to Autonomous Driving: Legislative Framework, Functions and Technologies. IKA combines all methods and research topics from innovative concepts for components and systems up to vehicle prototypes to create and design the future vehicle Link
KTH SE KTH Royal Institute of Technology does research with transport as one of the focus areas. Link
LERO IR LERO/University of Limerick (Irish Software Research Centre)  brings together software research teams from Universities and Institutes of Technology in Ireland in a coordinated centre of research excellence with a strong industry focus  Link
RC   Rupprecht Consult – Forschung & Beratung GmbH (RC) is a fully independent private research and consultancy company. Mobility and transport is their major area of activity. RC is spearheading integrated approaches to sustainable urban mobility, in intermodal transport and other “smart mobility” areas Link
SINTEF NO SINTEF is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia. Smart, green and integrated transport is one of the focus areas. Link
SWOV NL SWOV develops fact sheets and reports to provide you with brief, clear and substantiated answers to road safety questions Link
TNO NL TNO (the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research) is a knowledge partner with expertise, tools and facilities. The activities within the research department Integrated Vehicle Safety focus on improving the functional safety of vehicles and prevent human fatalities and severe injuries by developing integrated safety solutions Link
TU Delft NL University of Technology Delft researchers – with expertise ranging from technology to social sciences – are investigating the impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives and on the way cities will be designed in the future Link
TU / e NL University of Technology Eindhoven. TU/e develops technologies in vehicles to improve safety, traffic flow and ease of use. TU/e studies driver assistance systems, vehicle dynamics and human-technology interaction, within the strategic area Smart Mobility Link
Università degli Studi di Firenze IT UNIFI Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) has an almost 20 years’ experience gathered in road safety projects, both nationally and internationally, namely on the topic of fully automated road vehicles, vehicle control logic (to test how the vehicles mix with the environment. The UNIFI research team has developed a certification procedure for automated vehicles and road infrastructure certification for safety. Link
University of Leeds   The University does research into self-driving cars. They state that their Driving Simulator is one of the most advanced driving simulators in a research environment Link
VEDECOM   VEDECOM is an Institute for Energy Transition (ITE) established as part of the French government’s ‘Investment for the future plan’ (Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir or PIA). The Institute is dedicated to individual, carbon-free and sustainable mobility Link
RISE SE The RISE institutes Innventia, SP, and Swedish ICT have merged into one research and innovation partner. Link
SAFER SE A competence centre where about 30 partners from the Swedish automotive industry, academia and authorities cooperate to create a centre of excellence within traffic safety research and safe mobility. Link
TLR UK The Transport Research Laboratory works on the application of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, connected and automated vehicle technologies. Link
TØI NO The Institute of Transport Economics is a national institution for transport research and development. Link
VTI SE The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), is an independent research institute in the transport sector. They conduct research and development related to infrastructure, traffic and transport. Link
VTT FI VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a research and technology organisation working on several aspects in the field of ART. Link

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